Social Media Management: Bidiliia

Well, I'm a pretty big deal now because my favourite jewellery brand, Bidiliia, asked me to help with their content. It was a dream come true, not only because I'm obsessed with their pieces and already owned a ton of them, but also because I admire the owner in the small business world. My brief was easy peasy - run their Facebook and Instagram and write a few blog posts a month. Oh, and one more thing: ditch the pastels. Apparently they weren't cutting it, so we had to be bold and find what works. My mission? To showcase their most popular items and get people talking.

The Job 

I was super, super excited to be asked to help with social media content for my favourite jewellery brand – Bidiliia

You see, not only do I absolutely LOVE the jewellery, and already owned a bunch of pieces, but I also love the owner of the business, and have always looked up to her in the small business world. 

The brief was simple – take over social media content creation and posting for Facebook and Instagram, and copy for a couple of Blog Posts a month. 

What else? No more pastels, they had been trialled in the branding for a while and weren’t hitting the mark. A bit more bold, find out what’s working today. Highlight the pieces that people love the most and drive reach and engagement. 

The Results So Far


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