Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all your social media marketing FAQ’s right here.

Got questions? 

The answer is 42. 

Pop culture references aside, I’ve put together a bunch of questions that I get asked about No Grey Suits and what we do. 

Clip from Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

I’m glad you asked! No Grey Suits was born out of a belief that professional business doesn’t have to be stuffy or dull. It’s a playful jab at the stereotype of the overly serious businessperson. I came up with the name in the early hours of the morning one random day, while I was trying to get one of my kiddos back to sleep. 

Sometimes the best ideas come when we least expect them! (or when we’re seriously sleep-deprived).

No Grey Suits offers social media management and content creation for small business owners.

There might be times when what I’m putting down, you’re just not picking up! You might have noticed I call myself a chameleon. That’s because I often enjoy jobs that are outside of my listed services. Design your Christmas cards? On it. Need some video snipped up? Got you covered. All you have to do is ask. If I can help, I will. If I can’t – chances are that I know someone who can.

We’ll get to know each other, think of this as our awkward first date. We can do this by Zoom, phone, or just by online chat. I’ll call this discovery – disco for short. 
Then, I’ll let you know how much it’ll cost to get started. 

From there, most of our communication will be through either email, Slack or Facebook messenger. 

I don’t work Fridays. I’ve got two turdlers toddlers home with me on a Friday, so even if you see me smashing out some work while they’re busy building a pillow fort, you don’t really see me. 🫥

Absolutely. I work with a wonderful couple of creatives on occasion to help with video editing, photography and graphic design.

While on each of my service pages you’ll find some pre-set packages to give you an idea of where things start, in many cases, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. Every business is unique, and so are their marketing needs.

After our initial chat, I’ll provide a quote based on the scope of your project. Don’t worry, there won’t be any nasty surprises.

Easy peasy! Just drop me a line on the ‘Contact’ page, and we’ll get the ball rolling. I can’t wait to hear about your business and how we can make some marketing magic together.

Branding for small businesses involves creating a unique image and voice for your business that’s consistent across all marketing channels. This includes your business name, logo, colour scheme, tagline, and communication style.

Branding helps to distinguish your business from competitors, creates a memorable impression on customers, and allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.

Good content educates, entertains, or inspires your audience, building strong relationships and brand loyalty.

I offer a range of content creation services, from blog posts and social media content to eBooks and more. I focus on creating content that’s engaging, relevant, and in line with your brand voice and values.

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The end goal is to persuade the reader or viewer to take a particular action, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a newsletter.

Keen to help your business shine like a Patronus gliding across the grounds of Hogwarts?

Anastasia Geneave from No Grey Suits in a brightly coloured jacket, talking and laughing with a client, discussing Social Media Management for Finance Professionals

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